1.  As a general matter, of course, the phrases for Battistini peak lower.

2.  Dell Computer closed down 15.8 percent, Yahoo! ended the day 16.9 percent lower, America Online lost 14.8 percent of its value.

3.  Currently, Yoshinoya thrives in the midst of the slow economy, selling Gyudons at as low as 280 yen ($2.15).

4.  Demand lower for commercial and industrial loans.

5.  Despite a lower citywide homicide rate, new crime statistics show a resurgence of crime in the Quarter, including an 11 percent overall increase between April and June.

6.  Despite massive expenditures, Gramm is only at 8 percent, commentator Pat Buchanan at 6 percent and the rest even lower.

7.  Customs duties and perhaps other taxes would be set lower than in the rest of Russia in order to stimulate international trade.

8.  Cydsa SA, Grupo Tribasa SA, Alfa SA and Cintra SA led 42 of 99 stocks lower.

9.  Despite the company's high debt, its gleaming new plants have some of the lowest operating costs in Europe.

10.  Denmark's KFX index was led lower by drug maker Novo Nordisk AS and Sophus Berendsen AS.

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