81.  As a government appointee, Creighton can no longer comment on the Microsoft antitrust case.

82.  As a Jew living in the United States, I have long denied myself the right to intervene in Israel's internal debates.

83.  Dad has long fought against the world.

84.  Dafoe has long been big in their hearts.

85.  Dafoe, 45, long a rather private, enigmatic actor, looks at the Academy Awards and sees a beast that must be tamed.

86.  Despite Perot's populist rhetoric against Washington, he has long been a part of the money-and-politics mercenary culture that is now in its glory.

87.  Despite substantial progress in recent decades, nearly half of Mexican-American students still give up on school long before high school graduation.

88.  Despite such figures, the conventional wisdom among fashion editors and advertisers has long been that older readers don't care to see clothing modeled by women their own age.

89.  Despite such speculation, Wall Street analysts said the July release date was not a sign that development of the new product was taking longer than planned.

90.  Despite the Republican cries of outrage Monday, the political market has long since discounted the decision.

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