81.  She may have long black hair floating in the wind.

82.  Firstly, I hope my ideal mate has a long straight hair and sweet voice.

83.  And then, they had no longer any contact .

84.  As long as the right targets, which are suitable for us, and we do our best to achieve the goal.

85.  Secondly, she should have middle long black hairs, smiling face, big lively eyes, small nose and white teeth.

86.  Besides, some people participating in beauty contests merely long for money, as a result, numbers of beauty contests's purposes deviate from the original, which encourage people to pursue and value beauty.

87.  Long times ago you will be bord with it.

88.  But the good times did not last long, and later Clyde was seriously ill, Gussie very worried.

89.  My Ideal Girlfriend\

90.  However, college education seems to be neglected for too long.

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