71.  As a general rule, men regard shopping as a chore that should be at the bottom of any to-do list.

72.  Dennis' 7-under total in Mississippi boosted him to 96th on the Nike Tour money list, with $4,333 through four events.

73.  Despite its grueling moments, its resonant message of hope makes "Schindler's List" an experience to be grasped eagerly, not avoided.

74.  Despite its reputation as the haven for the super-rich, it is only 32nd on Worth Magazine's list of U.S. towns with the top median home prices.

75.  Despite new professions of openness, the IOC would not provide a list of the 10 delegates who voted against the ban on visits.

76.  Despite the impressive clientele list, last year's losses dwarfed the $9 million loss posted in 1998.

77.  Despite our smart-aleck list of things Diana should ask for, there's much she cannot touch.

78.  Despite the long list of undone work, the Senate majority leader, Joseph Bruno, has vowed to close the session Thursday.

79.  Despite the obvious commercial prospects, Firstenberg emphasizes that extreme care was taken to keep the list from being "a popularity contest."

80.  Despite spending the 1992-93 seasons in Kansas City, Gwynn ranks second on the Dodgers' franchise list with 46 career pinch hits.

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