71.  Although his team is weak, he has a nicely hilly stage ahead Thursday.

72.  Any policy that counts on Russia's remaining in its humiliating position, following in the American wake, is doomed to defeat.

73.  Any politician here who does so opens himself to charges that he is legitimizing terrorism.

74.  Denison is a community of about 6,500 in west-central Iowa, about 65 miles northeast of Omaha.

75.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undated) _ After two decades of manufacturers promoting stripped-down efficiency, redundancy is making a comeback.

76.  Denmark is expected to see a surplus on its general finances in 2000 of about 1 percent of GDP.

77.  Denmark is holding a national referendum on Sept. 28 on adopting the euro, and the currency's weakness has seriously eroded popular support for the measure.

78.  Denmark is one example.

79.  Denmark-based International Service Systems A/S said it would not comment on a U.K. press report that it is interested in BET's cleaning business.

80.  Denmark-Mexico is tonight at 9:15, Peru-Denmark is 1 p.m. Sunday and Mexico-Peru is 8:45 p.m. Wednesday.

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