21.  A stiff resistance might well increase the pressure on Washington to end the war on Southern terms.

22.  A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase.

23.  A three-fifths vote would be required to increase the federal debt.

24.  Above the minimum level, the risk increases with intake.

25.  Acidemia tends to Decrease potassium excretion, and alkalemia tends to increase potassium excretion.

26.  Additional information can often be used to increase correction accuracy and speed, for example by studying the sources of errors.

27.  Admission and discharge dates and visits by relatives together with court appearances will also at time increase the anxieties of residents.

28.  Aerobic activity does not increase total daily calorie expenditure.

29.  Aerobic exercise increases the metabolic rate and the benefit continues for some hours after we have finished exercising.

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