71.  As a cheese ages, its acid and salt also help to destroy pathogens.

72.  DeLay, who is House majority whip, said the coalition will work to improve tax and trade policies to help boost the entertainment business.

73.  Delayed broadcasts of high-profile bouts also help Showtime troll for subscribers, of which it currently has 15 million.

74.  Delaying the sale a few months, one option under consideration in Washington, will not help.

75.  Delays to some Royal Dutch/Shell Group exports from Nigeria tied by civil unrest have helped buoy crude prices, traders said.

76.  Cultures of hepatocytes only survive for five or six days without endothelial cells, and simply mixing them up randomly with endothelial cells doesn't help.

77.  Culver, a Democrat, insists the platform helped him win _ although he had a helpful family legacy in his father, former Iowa Senator John Culver.

78.  Cummerbunds help your waist.

79.  Cummings runs the Web site "Chiaroscuro" (www.chiafilm.com) to help pastors and youth leaders use films as part of their ministry.

80.  Cumpiano added: "The governor's misstep at this crucial stage certainly doesn't help the cause.

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