11.  Defensively, had 47 tackles, including two sacks and three caused fumbles.

12.  Defensively, he had problems.

13.  Defensively, he has had surprisingly frequent trouble judging fly balls hit straight at him.

14.  Defensively, Ryan was able to inspire his troops and had them playing top-notch ball.

15.  Defensively, the Bulldogs wanted to force Kansas outside, where it has had trouble all season.

16.  Defensively, the Cowboys finally had to pay the piper for the losses of Charles Haley and Leon Lett.

17.  Deputy district attorney Christopher Darden, meanwhile, had the most controversial style, described alternately by lawyers as too repetitive and assuringly low-key in his presentation Tuesday.

18.  Deputy District Attorney Robert Hutchins had asked the judge to order David Van Blarigan's return, arguing that his well-being at the program in Jamaica was in question.

19.  Deputy Inspector Michael Collins, a police spokesman, said prosecutors had never sought an arrest warrant.

20.  Deputy Mayor John Dyson later had to apologize after being quoted as saying "the comptroller ought to know the difference between a bid and a watermelon."

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