81.  Anything that would help turn the children of immigrants into English-speakers would facilitate their becoming, in due course, fully participating citizens of this nation.

82.  Diamondbacks managing general partner Jerry Colangelo, one of the six panelists, said he fully understands the economic problems that exist.

83.  Disclose your finances fully or face the possibility of a nullified contract.

84.  Disclosure follows recent AG's ruling that Barnes must fully disclose, despite having his assets in a blind trust.

85.  Disregarding the shareware tradition of allowing users to fully test software free seemed to me to be a very non-Mac attitude.

86.  Diversifying a portfolio, like Richardson has done, offers little comfort to those money managers who vowed to stay fully invested in U.S. stocks.

87.  Did the individuals involved and their news organization apply excellence through outstanding craftsmanship as well as commitment of time and funding needed to pursue the story fully?

88.  DNC Media: We expect to fully fund the $17 million for DNC Media until the convention.

89.  Do employers fully appreciate this experience when these volunteers look for jobs?

90.  Do not try to relight fireworks that have not fully functioned.

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