71.  As Frost's official biographer, he frequently told me about his first love.

72.  And because of this, quarrels occurred more and more frequently during her and her husband.

73.  The poet Robert Frost frequently told me about his first love, Sabra Paebody, a tomboy who had been his schoolmate but later moved away.

74.  Imitation is not frequently seen as to 'take' directly from the forebears and the nature, but to reproduce them in order to adapt them to the needs of modern lives.

75.  We can keep healthy if we can ride a bicycle frequently.

76.  Thus, various beauty contests are held everywhere frequently, which appeal to us deeply.

77.  When he wrote a biography for the famous poet Robert Frost, the poet frequently told him about his first love.

78.  With the development of society, people who want to get more information or more development opportunities should associate with other people frequently.

79.  The topic is the one he frequently told me, first love.

80.  With the burgeoning online communication tools, telecommuter can actually keep in contact with people more frequently and effectively.

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