31.  Despite impressive progress in 1997, Bradlees is not home free.

32.  Despite its extended length, "Voodoo Lounge" is remarkably free from filler.

33.  Curtis, a free safety from Texas Tech, was selected by the 49ers in the fourth round of the NFL Draft on Sunday.

34.  CU's strong position has led to much free publicity.

35.  Democracy should be more than free elections, but it can't be less."

36.  Despite Juno's big ISP plans, Chernins says Juno will never abandon its free e-mail model.

37.  Customers are enticed to use the company's free kiosks by a menu of news, information and entertainment functions.

38.  Customers can apply for the devices, which Mobil will provide free for the first 1 million applicants.

39.  Customers each month are allowed 50 free transactions and four free staff-assisted phone transactions.

40.  Customers have downloaded over 180 million free copies of its software for reading and printing digital documents.

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