31.  For example, from kindergarten to senior high school, the number of female teachers are more than male teachers.

32.  For example, since the only car of them was purchased, there is no more than a dozen times when my father put his hands on the steering wheel.

33.  For example, construction workers are usually men, because men have obvious advantages over women in strength.

34.  For example, men are usually stronger and more powerful than women in physique, so men do most of the manual work and can do it well.

35.  For example, mostly men are stronger than women.

36.  For example, one of the most prominent writers, Jane Austin, once combining her special perspective with her sensitive mind as a woman, wrote plenty of masterpieces that no male can exceed.

37.  For example, when hunting for jobs, men are more willing to look for those logical and physical occupations while women apparently prefer work which needs communication, patience and carefulness.

38.  For example , the english grammar and oral english are always hard problems for me .

39.  In addition since I am so eager to taking the GRE exam I should start it as quickly as I can for example remember the vocabulary .

40.  For example, after man learned to make water containers that could not be destroyed by fire, they cooked food in water.

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