1.  When I met a person in the first time, I usually unconsciously prejudge him in accordance with my common knowledge.

2.  The first time I met Rachel, she was looking around at the school gate.

3.  The first one is about the school bus.

4.  The security personnel always stands near the school bus, and he always says"Professors first~ Professors first.

5.  ", just like "Lady first".

6.  And the bus came, the security personnel said "Professors first~Prfessors first" as always as before.

7.  The first bus was full.

8.  So it is the first story of stereotyping happening on campus.

9.  I was shocked by the people in class at first because there were only 5 boys there.

10.  At first, I regarded her to be pretending, but as time flew, she never changed this habit.

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