71.  Developing countries are finally starting to use this power constructively.

72.  Devolution has finally found its mark, and one would be hard-pressed to say we are not the better for it.

73.  Dewey finally charged.

74.  DeWolfe finally gained official recognition from the government and has opened a bank account.

75.  Despite strong opposition from neighbors in Brookline, Newton, and Allston-Brighton, BC finally upgraded its facilities in 1994, expanding Alumni Stadium to 44,500 seats.

76.  Despite the challenges, the broadband beast finally seems poised for domestication.

77.  DiFranco may finally find a heap of mainstream airplay with "Castle," her 10th album.

78.  Diane Amaral, meanwhile, finally agreed to go to a hospital, where doctors are monitoring the effects of different medications.

79.  Diane Feldman overheard and enjoyed the waiter who finally came up and queried, "Would you like to see the breakfast menu?"

80.  Digital is working hard to push a variety of other products, and marketing has finally taken center stage.

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