31.  As for me, I consider it fairly natural if men and women find obstacles in communicating with each other.

32.  For example, when it comes to the point we are supposed to select our lifelong mates, our parents' qualities become one of the invisible but fairly essential considerations.

33.  Boys prefer talking a lot in public, aside from this, they are fairly quiet.

34.  If you let out some private information in the Internet, fairly often they will be got by somebody you can never imagine and you may be harassed by junk e-mails.

35.  At first, I argue that women seldom try hard to make themselves look like Barbie, or anyone else who are fairly beautiful.

36.  Some interesting facts are that I happen to have some male friends who pay fairly attention to their looks and ask me how they look every time they met me off the street.

37.  Finding information on the Internet is fairly easy, as long as you realize what you are searching and can judge what you find.

38.  It goes without saying that making best use of the internet is fairly beneficial for our daily study and our everyday life.

39.  Such phenomenon is really reasonable and understandable that while united, every different subject can make good use of their own advantages in order to finish their work fairly and quickly.

40.  This link is fairly reasonable, since there are increasingly more subjects having interconnections with each other in nowadays world.

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