1.  But it was the horses which Decided the issue, as Ramsay had calculated they would.

2.  But late last month, Eckels said he wanted voters to have to Decide the issue.

3.  However, league and player representatives ultimately will Decide the issue.

4.  I consider the idea that the issue should be Decided by a referendum nothing short of bizarre.

5.  It would be Deciding the issue in advance, if she took it.

6.  Otherwise, Nero will play at the computer while forests burn, and sentiment rather than science will Decide the issue.

7.  She did not admit to herself that to leave it was also to Decide the issue in advance.

8.  The issue will be Decided at the ballot box.

9.  Until the courts do Decide these issues, educators are probably best advised to follow the federal guidelines described above.

10.  The issue will be decided by plebiscite.

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