61.  Although Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948, the anniversary follows the Hebrew date, which this year corresponds to April 30.

62.  Despite the late date, Allen received an invitation to join the trip, though he subsequently canceled.

63.  Despite the threat of AIDS and pregnancy, an alarming number of Arizona girls under 18 are having sex on the first date or with strangers.

64.  Daiwa managers' deception about the operations at the New York branch date back to the 1980s, Iguchi told the judge.

65.  Despite this humble look, 61 year old Muennig has built some of the most creative homes in Big Sur, 23 to date with 7 more in progress.

66.  Daly said 18,421 inmates were held Wednesday in the city's jail system compared with 17,971 on the same date last year.

67.  Damage to date is worse elsewhere:

68.  Detectives believe that Latanisha was probably killed around Nov. 4, 1979, the date of the newspaper used to wrap her body.

69.  Device Manager also will tell you the date on your drivers, if you know where to look.

70.  Despite her arsenic-pale beauty and simmering powers of concentration, her last date was to see "Glengarry Glen Ross."

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