71.  All of this was relevant material, properly considered by the police.

72.  All Peace Corps officials were considered potential screeners who had influence in the selection process.

73.  All sauces, Mayonnaise and salad dressings, creamed soups and cheese-containing concoctions should be considered highly suspect sources of excess calories.

74.  All three varietals seem to be adapting well to California, considering that they are recent immigrants.

75.  All were aspects considered and dismissed by the Institute in its consultative paper.

76.  Allegations made by prisoners are usually only considered when substantiated by the evidence of a prison officer.

77.  Also considers the potential for car-free housing, drawing on experience from Bremen, Amsterdam and Edinburgh.

78.  Also there is the insurance to consider of your personal possessions and the contents of your home.

79.  Also to be considered are the many strange accounts of werewolves, vampires, apart from ghosts and ghouls.

80.  Also, it is considered by many as an anachronism, mere prelude to a party on the river for Hooray Henrys.

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