81.  We consider a computational algorithm for the solution of an inverse heat-conduction boundary-value problem based on the replacement of one of the boundary conditions by a nonlocal condition.

82.  Demand can be exactly met considering the defective components present in the supply.

83.  A one-dimensional (1D) integral dynamico-stochastic model of the upper ocean with a non-linear assimilation algorithm is considered.

84.  Problems of the type considered here arise in the process of making discrete approximations to differential equations in the presence of special side conditions.

85.  For the purpose of systematits and phylogenetic reconstruction the modalities and submodalities can be considered dynamic characters that have ¡°states??

86.  The multiplier set mapping considered here has its images in a finite-dimensional space.

87.  By considering a gamma frailty model, often the issue is to find an appropriate model for the baseline hazard function.

88.  A grand canonical system of hard-core bosons in an optical lattice is considered.

89.  The additional diffusion hindrance caused by the CO2 evolution in the course of the dissolution was considered.

90.  The presented calculative procedure can be applied to non-homogeneous high concentrations, where the composition variation as a function of depth has to be considered to obtain correct distributions.

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