51.  As a boy and young man I had followed closely the epic of early space flight.

52.  As a director, Nolan collaborated closely with his actors.

53.  Despite their accuracy, some experts say, fingerprints are associated too closely with criminals to be accepted for mass-market applications.

54.  DiFiori said teens could benefit from workouts in a well-maintained, closely supervised gym as long as the equipment can be adjusted to fit their smaller frames.

55.  Despite these questions, the Mac-Eacherns are among those looking closely at Forbes.

56.  Despite this small West African country's relative lack of political significance, the success or failure of the United Nations here will be closely watched in Africa.

57.  Details of Schulz's health have been closely guarded.

58.  David, 50, is more substantial, dressed in a white button-down shirt and tweed jacket, his gray hair closely clipped.

59.  Developers of this type of software are trying to imitate the complexity of real people as closely as possible.

60.  Developments in Vogosca were being watched closely in another Sarajevo suburb, Ilidza, most of which is to come under government control on March 12.

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