41.  Any privilege that may exist, the judge concluded after reviewing Starr's case in camera, is trumped by the independent prosecutor's need for the evidence.

42.  Any problems between Gretzky and Robitaille will be smoothed out by Messier, whom Smith called "a father figure" on the team.

43.  Any process adopted by the bishops would go to the Vatican for approval.

44.  Dennis Diamond, who put the project together with Murray Louis, was also represented by a vivid three-monitor video exploration of a duet by David Grenke.

45.  Dennis Euwer, who also testified before the grand jury about the Geary Lake sighting, said he was visited by two FBI agents and a prosecutor in August.

46.  Dennis Finnegan of Jackson Hole, Wyo., has come to Moab for five years to backpack and explore by mountain bike.

47.  Dennis Grady, of Columbus, Ohio, for example, writes to suggest that it could cut the national toll of deaths by gunshot.

48.  Dennis Martinez has retired after 22 seasons and 245 victories, most ever by a Latin pitcher.

49.  Dennis McAuliffe's grandmother, Sybil Beekman, owned 657 oil-dense acres by the time she was 3 years old.

50.  Dennis Moynihan, a Boston carpenter by day and protest organizer by night, helped set up the so-called "indy media" site for the WTO.

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