21.  Any possible landfall would be late Tuesday, but already a heavy surf advisory was posted from Jupiter Inlet to Brunswick, Ga.

22.  Deputy Sheriff Steve Davis said federal authorities have traced the pistol and the carbine to their original owners, but have not tracked subsequent sales.

23.  Denison has no main square, but it certainly has a thriving downtown.

24.  Denmark also hosted Jewish congregations who moved north from Holland and Germany but restricted them and other foreign religious refugees to two cities until the late 1700s.

25.  Denmark was expected to struggle after its run to the 1998 quarterfinals, but the team went undefeated in Cup qualifying.

26.  Dennehy is too fine an actor to impersonate the coach, but his effort to portray Knight is hampered by the audience's familiarity with this character.

27.  Denney retired from the police department on Nov. 1, 1993, after 32 years, but continued to influence city government.

28.  Dennis (like Ms. DeNora, a sociologist) is not a musicologist but a young historian at Loyola University in Chicago.

29.  Dennis Conner, the American skipper, sailed well to reach the finals, but his magic was not enough at the end.

30.  Dennis Cook came in and walked the left-handed Mark Grace but caught Henry Rodriguez, also left-handed, on a called third strike.

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