81.  Subjects concerning high technology and business are quite popular at present.

82.  He redefined business models, changed people's life and build a bridge between art and technology.

83.  And he is a person who never graduate from college, never worked for anyone else a day in his adult life, and changed every business he touched.

84.  Parents prefer them to take courses such as law, medicine .

85.  Possessing the marketing, invention, business and design skills, Steve Jobs could turn the dream into reality.

86.  Many people like watching Beauty Contest TV programs to enjoy beautiful girls, which leads to those programs with business purpose.

87.  On the contrary, there are other brilliant marketers, designers and business executives who have studied Steve Jobs, trying to absorb his methods and his philosophy to re-create some of his success.

88.  He is a guy who never finished college, never went to business school, and never worked for anyone else a day in his adult life, so he is crazy and a rebel.

89.  As Zhang Xiuqin , secretary-general of the China Scholarship Council (CSC) said: "The booming economy, soaring the opportunity to start their own business, and more tendency policies for the students returned which have drawn more Chinese students home"\

90.  And potential partners and business will find you by your landmark-like communication skills.

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