11.  So, the story of Jack give me a vivid lesson that being an eye-opener is very essential.

12.  "\

13.  On one hand, I enjoy the delight of being regarded as predecessor when they consult you something humble and trustfully.

14.  On one hand, I enjoy being regarded as predecessor when they consult you something humbly and trustfully.

15.  So, the story of Jack give me a vivid lesson that being an eye-opener is very essential.

16.  So, the story of Jack give me a vivid lesson that being an eye-opener is very essential.

17.  So, the story of Jack give me a vivid lesson that being an eye-opener is very essential.

18.  So, the story of Jack give me a vivid lesson that being an eye-opener is very essential.

19.  However, it has been totally changed because of something being done to me in campus.

20.  Some of them may regard things such as raising hands and answering questions actively in class as silly actions, while some other may be under great pressure of being look down on by doing those things, for these behaviors are now considered as pupil behaviors.

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