81.  She had always been good with money.

82.  She trained a welder to assist her, figuring that welders are good with their hands.

83.  Shelter behaviorists determine whether an animal is good with children and other animals, while trying to identify any potential emotional problems.

84.  Some classmates said Eric Harris was good with computers, and apparently maintained a website on America Online.

85.  Some are good with suits or shirts.

86.  Some classmates said Eric Harris was good with computers, and apparently maintained a Web site on America Online.

87.  Some guys are good with the police, some guys are good with the legal stuff, some have a sense of humor, some are serious.

88.  That he had never been much good with life-style change?

89.  Terry J. is good with the acting, Terry G. is good with the location feel, the sinister boat, the visual elements.

90.  The background is still good with U.S. stocks up and bonds up.

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