81.  The self-study room of Harvard is always brilliantly illuminated until 4.00 a. m.

82.  Maybe some students think that the study itself is not the life complete.

83.  That's right, but since continually life part of- studies are unable to conquer, what but also can make?

84.  Stereotype 2: GPA is the only yardstick to measure success.

85.  Grade point average is approximately one of the most crucial indexes.

86.  It's students' duty to get a good GPA.

87.  It's a powerful proof to prove grades can't replace everything.

88.  Study is an extensive thing, which can't be limited to grades.

89.  Leadership, team spirits, communication skills, connections and so on are essential skills we should be equipped to adapt to the society.

90.  Stereotype 3: District discrimination \

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