61.  Dyer said Congress "can gimmick and trick" its way around the caps, which he called "basically numbers picked out of the air."

62.  Each challenges a basically centrist voting pattern that has defined almost every presidential election since Dwight Eisenhower's victory over Adlai Stevenson in 1952.

63.  Each safety was basically responsible for half the field.

64.  Directors of companies like Chemi-trol can basically do what they want because small companies get little coverage from analysts and little attention from the media.

65.  Eagerly anticipated during spring training, but basically an afterthought by the end of the season.

66.  Earlier this week, though, Lynch said Pecard basically was unsupervised and did little work on behalf of recruiters.

67.  During the auto negotiations, "the World Trade Organization was basically just getting off the ground," he said.

68.  During the last week of his life, she added, "we were able to separate, basically, and go on into our own lives.

69.  Dusenberry said he was aware of "blatant corruptions" in Seoul, but "now basically we're having solid evidence come out.

70.  Dyrek is the man who, among his many professional accomplishments, basically gave Larry Bird an extra five or six years in his career.

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