11.  Also, hospitals, strengthened by mergers, are raising prices.

12.  Also, interest rates, jacked up to six-year highs in defense of the rupiah, have raised the cost of borrowing money locally.

13.  As a result, analysts have raised their projections for both Vodafone and Mannesmann.

14.  As a result, in recent days several Wall Street bulls have raised their forecasts for the coming year.

15.  As a result, the Fed has raised rates by a quarter of a percentage point on five occasions since last June.

16.  As a result, the Roundabout is raising all of its own money to renovate and manage the Selwyn.

17.  As a result, partial sunshine will raise the risk of thunderstorms in interior valleys such as the Champlain in northern Vermont.

18.  As usual, the event will raise money for organizations that provide services to people living with HIV and AIDS.

19.  At least that would raise the chance for a little conflict.

20.  Above all, he can raise his game to whatever level the moment requires.

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