41.  David Grimm, general manager of Vermont's largest agricultural fair, said today's audiences are looking for something more modern, more glamorous.

42.  Direct marketers, however, assert the messages are a valuable service and are protected under First Amendment rights granted to other advertising media.

43.  Digital video disks represent a new technology for storing video and audio similar to CD-ROM and music compact discs and are designed to replace videocassettes.

44.  Detectives, already faced with heavy caseloads, are girding for a bloody summer ahead.

45.  Directions on how to do this are in the Windows 95 help file.

46.  Dinners in restaurants, Huemer said, are often marred by incoming cell phone calls.

47.  Detractors in Texas and nationwide are increasingly looking toward solutions such as increased competition among schools and vouchers.

48.  Dishes like this are replacing winter's sturdy roasted roots.

49.  D-Conn., are discussing the possibility of greater oversight, in light of disclosures by Andersen.

50.  Dealers' formal appraisals, made for estates or gifts, are given after inspection and are done for a fee; the organization stands behind such an opinion.

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