61.  In the electronic age, online shopping is not a new conception anymore.

62.  He doesn't heed what I says anymore, and he spends an increasing time outside, and pay less attention to his study, .What's worse, he shows a great interest to the alcohol.

63.  The world can't be warm anymore without equality.

64.  They dread making mistakes and force themselves to be flawless for fear that people closest to them will not love them anymore.

65.  In conclusion, we may say that in some specific environment and instruction, learning different courses besides major is helpful to the students, in another way, however, making this thought into real prescriptions, is not a so wise choice anymore.

66.  In conclusion, we may say that in some specific environment and instruction, learning different courses besides major is helpful to students, in another way, however, making this thought into real prescriptions, are not so wise choice anymore.

67.  Talking about the convenience of online shopping, the first thing that comes into people's mind is that they don't have to go out to stores anymore.

68.  If we don't have trouble, we won't need knowledge, won't invite anything, and also the world won't be changed anymore.

69.  But whenever I talk to my son about my worries, he always says, "I am not a little boy anymore and I just want to be a real man. "

70.  As a mother, I cannot bear their binge drinking anymore.

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