41.  After all, everyone has his or her own ways of learning English while none of them are the same, it's hard to say whether a method is absolutely helpful or not, it depends much on how you take advantages of it.

42.  So we need to constantly be applied to the exchange word to the sentence, after all, this is the ultimate goal.

43.  After all, English learning is far more than just remembering the large quantity of words.

44.  After all, we are not so brillient that we can remember all the words that we have read.

45.  After all, for a person in a non-spoken country, English is a strange thing, translation between English and other language is a bridge for English learners.

46.  After all, we are students whose duty is to study.

47.  After all changes in a year, the old couple sat side by side , holding hands tightly.

48.  After all, it is now a commercial, profit-making business, not a government freebie.

49.  After all, it is human character to love beauty.

50.  However, it's a commercial activity after all.

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