1.  Any tax cuts should be considered a dividend for actually reducing debt.

2.  Denise Richards actually sought him out.

3.  Deflation occurs when prices actually decline.

4.  Cullen has actually created explosions in the sink of his chemistry lab by conducting experiments with chemical compounds of hydrochloric acid, potassium chlorate and zinc.

5.  Describing her new CBS series "New York News," Moore actually said the f-word twice and had to be bleeped.

6.  Designed around built-in speakers and microphone, the matching monitor actually resembles a helmet.

7.  Deodorants do much the same thing, killing bacteria and masking bad odors, while antiperspirants actually block sweat glands, clogging them.

8.  Desmarest, according to the French newspaper Les Echos, actually accompanied Jospin on a trip to Moscow to get his ear.

9.  Desperate young women actually left newborns in trash bins.

10.  DeLay's attack on them leaves one wondering whether he has actually read the opinions he denounced.

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