1.  One time, our team, which consisted of about twenty students, decided to participate in a city-wide contest.

2.  One time, our team, which consisted of about ten people, decided to participate in a province-wide speech contest.

3.  About ten minutes later, it was too hard for him to bear.

4.  "About how long will it be before I die? "

5.  After that, I did fully mechanical movement but still held on and kept telling myself it was about to end.

6.  Her name is Kate and we have been friends for about 3 years.

7.  Although we are very reluctant to admit, however, it's the fact that the traditional gender concept that men play the key role in the society while women are confined to the family chores is not only about sexist, but also about biological basis.

8.  However, about 5 years ago, when I saw the film "Pride and Prejudice" stared by Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen, such a strong desire that reading the premier version of the fiction, one of Jane Austen's masterpiece.

9.  On average, men are about 10 centimeters higher and 10 kilograms heavier than women.

10.  About 1 hour every other day can be arranged to read those papers and other literary works.

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