1.  As a result, such patrols have come under fire at least twice last week, a situation report from the town said.

2.  Faced with dwindling sales, the Treasury moved suddenly last week to rejuvenate its savings bonds, still the world's most widely held security.

3.  Furthermore, autumn highs often move slowly, allowing pollution episodes sometimes to last a week.

4.  He has spoken to Clinton about his views, most recently last week, and called Gore on Tuesday to explain his decision, aides said.

5.  He pressed the issue at their first debate, held on Sept. 13, and again last week.

6.  He was here last week for the Jeep King of the Mountain Downhill Series, a five-event circuit for retired ski racers.

7.  He won't say who for fear that cat activist Catherine Bradley will dissaude them as she did to a Boca Raton woman last week.

8.  I'm not going to take you over the edge," the Republican front-runner told Iowa pork producers last week.

9.  Just last week, Citicorp and Travelers Group completed their $50 billion merger, creating the world's largest financial services conglomerate, with 70 million customers.

10.  Just last week, Coke Chairman and Chief Executive Doug Daft said Coke should have the ability to "run the best advertising" in every market.

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