81.  As a choreographer, she experimented widely, yet regarded classical ballet as the basis for dance training.

82.  As a doctor, she had read widely about people who had to deal with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.

83.  Davis is still widely expected to win in November, when he runs for re-election against Bill Simon, the Republican candidate.

84.  Disciplinary records against doctors are not widely disseminated, and are often not divulged by medical groups and hospitals who employ many of the physicians involved in troubled cases.

85.  DISCONTENT AT SATURN Loyal owners of GM's widely praised Saturn cars routinely make the pilgrimage to the company's assembly plant in Spring Hill, Tenn.

86.  Deutsche Telekom has long had a reputation for slow, unfriendly service that's widely acknowledged by Germans and fair game for German stand-up comics.

87.  Devaluation would also have less impact on export volume than is widely assumed.

88.  Devised by the sociologist Morris Rosenberg, this questionnaire is one of the most widely used self-esteem assessment scales in the United States.

89.  Dewberry, dressed in a fuzzy white sweater and teetering platform shoes, grins widely and stretches her arms toward the sun.

90.  Davis, Williams reminds, isn't the first female to pitch for a men's minor-league club, as was widely reported.

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