71.  DINING AND DYING: Atlantan Tom Junod tackles two widely different topics in the July issue of Esquire ($3).

72.  Dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and quality control and honesty vary widely in the supplement industry.

73.  Differences in the quality of preparation are widely acknowledged.

74.  Different communities, even doctors in the same town, can see widely varying numbers of patients.

75.  Despite those numbers, Gadzooks stock has swung widely instead of enjoying a steady rise.

76.  Details from Clinton's childhood, including conflicts with his abusive stepfather and disagreements between his mother and grandmother, have been widely known and reported.

77.  Digital broadcasting is widely considered the future of the TV industry.

78.  Digital technology, widely seen as the future of television broadcasting, promises to deliver theater-like picture quality.

79.  Digital technology, widely seen as the future of television broadcasting, will deliver theater-like picture quality.

80.  Directed by Tom DiCillo, whose last movie was the widely loved indie film nightmare "Living in Oblivion."

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