71.  Despite a dry year, the creek still is running.

72.  Despite a federal law that protects jobs and benefits for members of the Guard and Reserves, some employers still retaliate, at times blatantly.

73.  Despite a late burst of television advertising, Albanese can still step outside his campaign headquarters on Lexington Avenue and 41st Street without being recognized.

74.  Despite a law that prohibits consideration of race in adoptions, he finds that social workers are still averse to giving black children to white couples.

75.  Despite a lifelong horror of being photographed or interviewed, he became more accessible in his later years, though still deeply concerned with his privacy.

76.  Despite a massive public awareness campaign aimed at improving the number of minorities returning their Census forms, they will still be undercounted, Demeo predicted.

77.  Despite a near perfect season, the Patriots still have questions, and players have things to prove.

78.  Despite a new maturity by many designers this season, London is still the capital of the hot and the young.

79.  Despite a record peppered with borderline infractions, he still dreams of being assigned to the White House.

80.  Despite a series of discussions and the exchange of papers between London and Washington, there is still no agreed, coherent strategy, officials of both countries concede.

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