71.  Art sometimes has its roots in odd places.

72.  Art works this way sometimes.

73.  Despite their sometimes convoluted plots, the Verdi operas are so musically rich and psychologically penetrating that any number of highly personal interpretive approaches can work.

74.  Despite widespread support for the national redoubts, morale was sometimes difficult, said Maurice Lovisa, who has been advising the Swiss Defense Department on the underground fortresses.

75.  Despite the early concerns about quality and despite its sometimes raw nature, the Internet has become a trusted medium for the delivery of news.

76.  Details were sketchy and sometimes conflicting.

77.  Detectives have called up some of these numbers, sometimes posing as customers, to identify suspects and make arrests.

78.  Determining the wind speed in a hurricane is almost like taking an exit poll in a political election _ a projection is sometimes used to arrive at a result.

79.  Determining who will appear in the campaign involves negotiations with representatives of people who are living, and sometimes the people themselves.

80.  Depending on the score in each inning and which innings are selected, sometimes the Dodgers win and sometimes the Giants.

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