61.  Artists want to tell stories, sometimes elaborate, feature-length stories, and to do so they use video in widely varying ways.

62.  As bizarre as that sounds, the story was widely believed.

63.  Diet drugs had fallen into disrepute since the 1960s, when amphetamines were prescribed for weight loss and widely abused.

64.  Despite the cost, Peters left not long after, and Guber departed last month, with the studios widely understood to be in trouble.

65.  Digital TV, a high-resolution technology that can cram several channels worth of programming into one, is widely viewed as the future of broadcast television.

66.  Dicke was widely respected, both as a theorist and as a meticulous experimenter.

67.  Despite the Kremlin's denials, the raid was widely seen here as a warning that opponents criticize this government at their peril.

68.  David Juan Sebastian and Elian Gonzalez are two immigrant boys with a lot in common, yet their cases are being handled in widely disparate ways.

69.  Despite the sophistication of modern turboprop planes, they are widely perceived by travelers as inferior to jets.

70.  Diners Club is widely regarded for its customer service and its sophisticated systems that package spending data for customers.

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