51.  Derivatives are contracts which can be used to hedge against changes in the value of an asset or to make leveraged bets on price and yield changes.

52.  Derivatives are contracts whose value is tied to the price of some other asset or an index such as an interest rate.

53.  Derivatives are contracts whose values are tied to the price of some other asset, such as a stock, bond, commodity, currency or index.

54.  Derivatives promise payments from one party to another, with the value derived from changes in the price of an underlying security, index or commodity.

55.  Derivatives, such as swaps, are contracts whose value is tied to the price of some other underlying asset, such as a bond or currency.

56.  Despite all the theories, the reality is that overindulgence has a price.

57.  Delta Air Lines recently slashed the price of some seats in its cushy BusinessElite section by 70 percent.

58.  Delta got a 20 percent price reduction when it placed a $6.7 billion order in March, analysts said at the time.

59.  Current laws place strict limits on rent increases for vacated units, but landlords contend those restrictions must be lifted to end huge price disparities in the market.

60.  Current price: $2,000 for very rough examples to $17,000 for fully restored models.

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