31.  Daikyo is widely known as the builder of upscale "Lions Mansions" condominiums in and around the Tokyo area.

32.  Despite the 57 wins, it was widely reported that Hill would be fired if the Magic were eliminated by the Celtics in the opening round.

33.  Despite the advantages of Xeriscaping experienced by the Moores and a handful of others, the technique is still slow in catching on and still widely misunderstood.

34.  Despite the Bay Area's large Latino population, good fresh masa is not widely available.

35.  Denver is stout at home, and Carolina is widely picked to finish ahead of the Falcons in the NFC West.

36.  Despite those three champions, Riddick Bowe and Tyson are widely considered the world's best heavyweights.

37.  Despite unstinting Western support, Kengo's administration was widely seen as a disaster.

38.  Depending on who is counting, estimates of the number of militia members in New England vary widely.

39.  Despite the increasing popularity of cremation, statistics reveal a widely varying demography of disposition.

40.  Developed at the National Cancer Institute with William Haenszel, an epidemiologist who died in 1998, the procedure became widely accepted.

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