81.  In my opinion, the most essential key to success is to contact with others.

82.  Living in society, we have to contact with different people to pave the way to success.

83.  Firstly, communication provides us with all kinds of opportunities to contact with others, absorbing excellent minds and experience from others.

84.  Frost lost contact Sabra ever since he left Salem.

85.  Communication is the most essential tool for us to contact others.

86.  No matter what you do, you need to make contact with others.

87.  That means you have to contact other people , listen to their ideas, cooperate with them , and then , achieve your goal.

88.  But he lost the contact with her when he moved away from the village.

89.  These days with the role that contact plays in our daily life becoming increasingly significant, people who want to succeed have to contact a lot of people.

90.  As to contact, it is a constant belief that a splendid tool of contacting is communication, which makes people take communication increasingly seriously.

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