61.  Suddenly, we need having a wonderful love-mate for enjoying themselves in university.

62.  Interestingly, when it comes to a public speech, the reverse happens: boys always become talkative suddenly.

63.  Not only love comes suddenly that we can't fling it away.

64.  And the whole world will make a great loss if Internet break down suddenly.

65.  Through our swap, I suddenly felt wide and open.

66.  Suddenly she burst into cries and begun scratching her face.

67.  Then suddenly he just like an angel came out in front of me and said there was still a seat remained beside him and asked whether I would like to seat with him together.

68.  But suddenly the purple jumped into my view, and I recalled that she was always standing on my side, silently and beautifully.

69.  When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

70.  He just watched an interesting phenomenon that a magnetic probe turn around a little suddenly when it goes through the wire.

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