51.  After all, it's inner beauty that matters.

52.  After all, those achievers' experiences tell us that various ways can achieve success.

53.  After all, China was so poor developed compared with some European countries.

54.  After all , the matter which is important to a person is knowledge rather than appearance .

55.  After all, the beauty inside is more beautiful than the beauty outside.

56.  After all, we grow up, we are adults, we need love!

57.  After all, a woman can gain nothing but the feeling of being needed from her career.

58.  After all, a man who has a kind heart is always beautiful no matter how ugly he looks.

59.  After all , the positions for winners in the beauty industry are limited and require all-around qualities .

60.  After all, students are young, they are still far away from marriage, love is not necessary for them, and it cost a lot of time and money, they shouldn't spend too much on it.

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