41.  To assert that individuals such as these become our Steve Jobs merely by accident, as the statement seems to suggest, is to completely misunderstand the very stuff of which Steve Jobs are made.

42.  Or consider again our military Steve Jobs, whose courage and patriotism in battier the statement would serve to completely discredit as merely accidental outcomes of certain soldiers being "m the right place at the right time. "

43.  Seeing the profile, it is shock to know that one can experience so much, achieve so much and change so much in merely 56 years ---- the capacity of life is indeed infinite.

44.  With so many special gifts, no one is able to duplicate Steve Jobs merely by imitating him.

45.  So no one can duplicate Steve Jobs merely by imitating him.

46.  If all the factors above are considered, we will find out that no one is able to duplicate Steve Jobs merely by imitating him.

47.  I must admit that every can do well with diligence and wisdom, but no one can get Steve's achievements merely by imitating him.

48.  If we spend time for passion, we may merely have time to emulate.

49.  Currently, career is no longer a field of honor for merely men.

50.  It is not the negative thinking merely, but a kind of ability enabling alternative solutions to tackle problems.

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