11.  The greatest difference is that while doing things together, girls are in a small group, typically 2 or 3 people.

12.  Backbone providers are the Internet players, which typically own and rent fiber-optic cables spanning a large region.

13.  E-mail travels on the Internet to reach someone faraway through backbone providers, which are the Internet players that typically own and lease long-hual fiber-optic cables and the communications gear.

14.  But as a matter of fact, not all of us are surrounded by a lot of friends, and here are the two kinds of people typically.

15.  Through ISP, e-mail is sent to "backbone provider which typically possess and rent long-haul fiber-optic cables spanning a large area, which is essential on the internet.

16.  The backbone provider are the Internet players that typically own by connect to each other to exchange data of their customers and National Science Foundation, for example, PSIX.

17.  Second , backbone providers are typically own internet players, which can connect to each other to exchange date .

18.  Backbone providers are the Internet players that typically own and lease long-haul fiber-optic cables.

19.  Bearing their own principles in mind, they typically have their special perspective when encountering the same problem.

20.  They are the Internet players who typically own and lease long-haul fiber-optic cables spanning a large region.

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