11.  It is believed that, when a person suddenly falls into a completely different environment, hearing sounds he never heard, facing letters or characters he never faced, he initially could not set himself down, getting along with strange people around and emerging into the world.

12.  In our whole life , we can't predict what will happen , so a love which hidden in corner appears suddenly is not strange.

13.  Suddenly, I straw it and tear it into pieces.

14.  Suddenly , one day my father was sent to hospital because his left foot was throbbed.

15.  But my father got sick suddenly, and Gussie looked after him around the clock and at last they kissed goodbye in love, which gave them the hope to live.

16.  They should have lived a happy life, but Clyde suddenly fell ill and he was driven to hospital.

17.  He is memorizing long lists of test words, and suddenly he sees 'abuse' with some translation in other language.

18.  Maybe someday, you suddenly discover: " Oh!

19.  Surveying the landscape, he suddenly said: "It was a pretty, old world. "

20.  So when Gussie marched right up to him, he was startled and suddenly smilling.

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