

See Also:
have do 10.11 If we have not do the space exploration, our world would become a completely different appearance.
ask do 6.74 A man never comes up with the right answer when a woman asks him'how do I look?
believe do 3.37 I believe the vice president do not want to see such condition.
can do 3.37 When they are asked with the question what can a female do in face of difficulties or troubles in life, apparently, Snow White and Emily will give two opposites answers by their behaviors.
encourage do 3.37 They encourage people do what they like to do, such as falling in love with somebody , because these things are natural.
get do 3.37 Everyday you encounter things like that "how much do you get? "
increase do 3.37 Dos the productivity increases only if they are monitored?
over-drink do 3.37 Although it has been widely recognized that over-drinking does do harm to our health, there still exist numerous people who are lost in alcohol.
pressure do 3.37 However, a positive attitude to face up to pressures maybe do better.
see do 3.37 with the development of the society , the imagination of people also progress , when they see the bird flying in the sky , they also think why do people can not fly as a bird ?