1.   A copy of the book lay on the table, its cover facing upwards.

2.   A couple of sections of the book will need to be revised.

3.   Additional sources are listed in the notes at the back of the book.

4.   After the important context of this macroeconomic study of sport, the rest of the book looks at the microeconomics of sport.

5.   All the recipes in the book are illustrated in full colour.

6.   Although no state has laws on the book regulating their use, some have legislation pending.

7.   Although the book was anonymous in the early editions, the secret was soon out.

8.   And last but not least, I thank Begona Canup for her interest in the book.

9.   And leafing through the book, I read the page numbers out loud, too.

10.   And the book eschews alphabetical order in favour of thematic logic - to good effect.

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