1.   Healthy eating is much discussed these days, and several books have been published on the subject.

2.   Moira screamed and ran away from him, dropping several books and a protractor.

3.   She wrote many articles and reviews, and several books.

4.   Write he did, publishing several books and picking up some Pulitzer nominations.

5.   Although I brought several books for evening reading, I never opened one.

6.   And the photographs Watson shot went on to be used in several books and on a TV documentary about the case.

7.   At his death he was writing several books.

8.   Author of several books and an off-Broadway play, Fuller was suddenly overwhelmed by an urge to see Australia.

9.   Bernstein, who has written several books, has been both a domestic reporter and a foreign correspondent at The Times.

10.   Bombeck, a syndicated columnist and author of several books, died Monday at a San Francisco hospital from complications following a kidney transplant.

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